6/4/2023 UK mental health charities handed sensitive data to Facebook for targeted ads

This title’s a little misleading after reading the full article – but it’s such an impt msg to understand & share bc of what it means abt our private data & what social companies are doing. 

The title insinuates that the charities are KNOWINGLY giving Facebook private data on visitors coming to their websites that THEY are collecting, to help Facebook market products/services.

Instead, these charities are using a tool called “Meta Pixel” on their websites. The tool is supposed to be helping the charities understand who’s visiting their sites, what types of users, what pages & topics they’re visiting so that they can continue to offer better info/services/programs.

However – by setting up that tool, Meta/Facebook has been then taking that SAME info for their OWN use, to then optimize marketing of their advertisers’ products & services- ie, Rx Drug Companies, Online Therapy Companies, etc.

In the US, Facebook is facing legal action, accused of violating web users’ privacy by knowingly collecting & monetizing “individually identifiable health information” via Meta Pixel. Several hospitals have also been sued. Earlier this yr, online therapy company BetterHelp was ordered to pay $7.8m by the US government for allegedly sharing sensitive data w Facebook & other social media firms.

So, you’ve got some nonprofits – thru Meta Pixel, unknowingly sharing the data back to the social channel(s)…& you’ve got for profit companies like BetterHelp KNOWINGLY sharing & getting compensated for it…all for what? The answer is so that Facebook & all these social channels can make $ off their biggest advertisers using the private data (OUR data as folks who surf the web for info & help).

I shared in Stories the other day, that some may think I/we share too much abt supr&ssion on these social channels. How msgs meant to educate abt MH holistically, provide free tools, bring ppl together to heal in community are hidden bc they pierce the sales narrative on these channels: “You’re sick w this label, here’s what fixes you.” 

I hope news like this helps shed light on why we share. We’re being sold to thru a narrative. Keep your eyes open.

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