How We Help


Why #SameHere Programs are being chosen by groups all over the world, to provide mental health education and bring about lasting impact:

  • We are hands-on consultants with all of our partners, and this is a topic that all of our facilitators care deeply about, all sharing their own lived experiences during programs they lead – our programs are comprehensive and not “one and done” 
  • Normalization and culture change is at the core of all of our programs – we “train the trainers” and help you bring about the lasting change you want to see take place
  • There is a linear “build” with a general roadmap to lay mental health educational foundations with all your key stakeholders in your community
  • Athletes and celebs from our Alliance share examples in the programming both online and in person to engage all members of your group with captivating personal stories
  • While we have templated starting points, everything is customizable to fit within or as a complement to your existing work and existing culture
  • The top practitioners in the integrative space ( and, globally are partners and collaborators
  • Backed by Polyvagal Science 
  • Apps and technology, tied to programming, that allows groups to assess and track in a non-diagnostic way
  • STARR Exercise Courses, for leaders in your group to learn directly, in a self-paced format, from the top experts in mind/body science and modalities 


Click on any of the #SameHere Program tiles below for more information.

Just some of the companies who have chosen to work with #SameHere Global, in each group from above:

#SameHere Global and our Alliance Members (made up of Athletes, Celebrities, Influencers, Expert Practitioners, Business Leaders, School/College Counselors & Administrators, & Athletic Directors), have committed to the following pillars, when it comes to our program activation. Each Pillar of the #SameHere Movement, is incorporated into our programming you can read about above. While each program has been built to incorporate best practices in each focus area, the actual implementation is a full collaboration between our organization and yours. We’ll share all we have learned from the previous programs implemented, and you’ll let us know about the dynamics of your specific group, and together, we will put together a program designed to make enormous and lasting impact

Pillar #1: Drive home the reality that mental health lives on a “continuum,” or in simpler words, a “scale” that stretches from “Thriving” to “Sinking.” It’s a fluid scale that everyone in the world lives and moves on, at different points in their lives (or even their days, weeks, months, etc.).  By understanding mental health in this broader context (broader than what we traditionally hear about: “1 in 5 with mental illness,” specifically), we can better educate every group we speak with about how mental health does in fact apply to them, their life experience, lifestyle, and even genetics. It also allows us to bring groups together around basic concepts and common language that can apply to any age group in the programs above. Join thousands of other classrooms around the world and access options for the #SameHere Scale Apps or large #SameHere Scale visuals for your classrooms.


NBA Referee, Bob Delaney, not afraid to flash his #SameHere sign to anyone to raise awareness. Not even Santa.

Pillar #2: Provide back-stories of mental health battles that athletes, celebrities, influencers and advocates in The Alliance have faced, in the hopes of helping others know they are not alone, and that they can find Alliance Members’ experiences they can relate to. We will work towards changing the global conversation once and for all, showing the world that this is a topic for “5 in 5.”  We all battle mental health to varying degrees.  Despite the perception that the lives of advocates and public figures are perfect, we will show how everyone is part of this #SameHere Club, living and moving somewhere on the scale above at different points in our lives, each with our own stories of life challenges to share.


Kim Barthel giving one of her many courses, internationally re: treating trauma through occupational therapy.

Pillar #3: Feature mental health experts from each of the worlds of: A) Integrative Psychiatry, B) Occupational Therapy & Neurobiology, C) Yoga for Mental Health, D) Qigong Meditation, E) Integrative Breathing Practices, F) Genealogy, G) Nutrition & the Brain/Gut Connection, H) Tapping/EFT, I) Havening, J) EMDR, K) Aromatherapy, L) TRE, and M) Somatic Experiencing, with more to come. Each expert provides resources recommendations on what we collectively call “STARR” Exercises (Stress & Trauma, Active Release & Rewiring).  The STARR Exercises are made available on this website, as well as through our #SameHere Programs, above.  The goal is to provide ALL those who suffer from mental health complications on ANY level, or who are looking to be proactive, with resources to find the best and most effective paths towards health. The best way to get “buy in” for these exercises, is for your group to understand why and how they work on the body – just like we know why certain exercises work for our physical health, and therefore stick with them. STARR Exercise Courses , for leaders in your group to learn directly, in a self-paced format from the top experts in mind/body science and modalities.

Pillar #4: Provide access to partner apps and technology that our Alliance and STARR Practitioners endorse, that provide effective healing practices.

Pillar #5: Take #SameHere Hero Story Submissions from everyday site visitors, and those we meet at our programs, related to how the stories of those in The Alliance, as well as other “#SameHere Heroes” convinced them to ask for and get help. We will then feature new “#SameHere Hero” submissions as top stories each day on this website, on our social media platforms, and even share these “real” stories at events.


John Kirwan, one of the greatest Rugby players of all time, doing great mental health advocacy work in New Zealand.

Pillar #6: Further fund/support the activities of the athletes and celebrities in our Alliance who are making an enormous impact, on the ground, and around the globe.

Pillar #7: Promote media campaigns related to: “The #SameHere Movement” to the masses, to attack the misconceptions of mental health, head-on, and help people understand that we are all affected by life; to open up and celebrate how our personal experiences have helped us each form our own personal and unique views of the world and how we interact with it.  Between a documentary being produced by two Emmy Award Winners, a #SameHere Show Podcast, and a number of brand partner projects, we are making sure this message is getting out there to the masses.


Theo Fleury conducting a mental health program at a local school in Canada.

Pillar #8: Build Proprietary Global Mental Health Movement #SameHere Programs allowing us to get face-to-face with: A) schools through #SameHere Schools Programs, B) colleges/universities through the #SameHere Sit-Down Programs, C) offices through #SameHere Safe Programs, D) our military & first responders through #SameHere Service Programs, and E) sports teams and leagues through #SameHere Sports Programs.  These programs will educate each segment on mental wellness, and teach prevention and healing practices that promote a healthier mind/body.  To find out more about a program with your school, college, office, veteran group, sports team, or other groups, click on the button below to fill out a program inquiry form, and someone from our team will contact you within a week.

Check Out Testimonials From Our Partners On The Bottom Of Each Programming Page!



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