The Positives That Can Happen When We Quiet Our Minds

This type of thought & image came to me the other night as I was putting together some of the campaign videos for this month, trying to pick background music to use over the sliced together images of ppl from all around the world.

It’s easy to preach self-care – much harder to hold yourself accountable & do it. Admittedly I’ve fallen into old habits this month, as w it being MH awareness month, I’ve allowed work to take over & dominate my time. I’ve made excuses of – another live session, another conference call, another video to work on. Not good.

But here’s the beauty of where life takes control on its own terms. I love the music of my friend, @lukejamesshaffer & I also love the music of Mumford & Sons. I started to listen to a cover that Luke did for the song “I Will Wait”…to consider using it for this video.

It was almost as if a trance hit me, & amidst the chaos of trying to make cognitive decisions, in the weeds, about the video, my brain told me what it needed.  I spontaneously stopped “working” & just sat there, transfixed by Luke/Mumford’s words & melody.  I played the song on repeat 4x, bc I was in such a relaxed state, that I wanted stay there, eyes closed. It was my mind’s/body’s way of telling me – slow the F down, enjoy the moment, THIS will be your meditation since you’re not taking the time.

Now I’m not gonna lie, after that 15ish minutes of awesomeness, I went back to old habits & went right back to work.

But, this surge of energy, creativity, emotions, “surfaced” like you see coming through the ground here in this pic, & it was like I had a renewed sense of freshness. This awesomeness lies below for ALL of us!

@maut_zilla said in a speech – if you have 6 hrs in the forest w an axe to chop down as many trees as you can, stopping to sharpen it every so often allows you to chop down more than chopping 6 hrs straight.

I know know that’s not only true for efficiency, but for creativity, emotions, contentment.

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