When We Can Look At The Body As Being Able To Self-Heal

Not surprisingly, found this on a page called: “Jacked On Plants,” all about using food as medicine…natural ways to feed the body’s “system.”

Yes I believe it holds true when it comes to our physical bodies – but in a big way, I believe it holds true when it comes to our mind-body connections.

Media & big industries prey on those of us on the left.  We either believe what is on the left of that chart, inherently, or, (what I think is the biggest cause) we are brought there by their mass marketing messages.  Remember our recent post about how you walk into any magazine/news store, & the images on the covers of most major publications that discuss MH show people w long/sad faces, w disorder labels listed in large, bold font? That’s the image they feed us when it comes to mental HEALTH?? That’s backwards.

We are led to believe MH is driven solely by disorder, genetically & you either have “it” or you don’t (& it almost always refers to a MI label you’re plagued w). When you have “it” you NEED what they are selling, to “fix” the “flaw” in your system.

I want to emphatically say I’m not bashing meds. They can be incredible symptom management tools for those they work for.  I, myself, am still on a small dose of Lexapro.

All of that said, believing in the right side of this chart, when it comes to MH, allows us to “get to the source.” It allows us to believe that our brains/CNSs/Bodies would prefer to find a homeostasis, naturally.  It opens us up to the idea of working w functional medicine doctors, holistic practitioners, integrative psychiatrists, psychologists, &/or psychotherapists. It allows us to buy-in to practices like STARR – to do exercises to help us get back to a natural stability our brains/bodies yearn for.

This may seem overly simplistic – but bc it’s 2020, we have the greatest awareness for MH we’ve had in the history of our planet, & yet the negative trends still remain, maybe seeing things this simplistically will help us better move, in mass, to understand what our brains/bodies want, & how we can get them there more successfully than the models we’ve been conditioned to believe for so long.

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