Introducing STARR-ting Exercises For Mental Health

One of the most common pieces of feedback I get when someone calls asking for help – for themselves or for a fam member/loved one is: But I (or they) can’t get out of bed! I have no energy, & it’s like cinder blocks are tied to my entire body weighing me down.

As someone who lived that life for 2.5yrs, I get it…I really do. What I thought was, I needed to find the miracle pill combination that was gonna give me the strength to pop out of “this” & get back to my old self.  That never came.

It wasn’t until I started engaging in ACTIVE practices, that I started to feel better.  Back to the previous post, it was the last thing my mind/body was telling me to do…but I had to talk myself into those active practices.

Healing through practices like Integrative Breathing, Yoga, Meditation, Havening, didn’t happen overnight. Through a journey, I found what we now call: “STARR” Exercises, or “Stress & Trauma Active Release & Rewiring.” It’s a list of practices that are “Gym for the Brain/Body Connection.”

I’ve shared that before however, many times, & those practices live on our site. So why this post? We recently built on our website: “STARR-ting” Exercises.  With ALL the feedback & the personal experience of not being able to get out of bed, we thought it was important to provide STARR Exercises that anyone can do FROM bed, to get back to a place where more active work can be done.

You see a teaser of it here on this slide, & I’ll share the link to the website page in Stories later today, but the concept is meant to be simple: from the stress & trauma we experience over our lifetime, stagnant energy gets trapped. It’s trapped in our shoulders, back, spine, butts, etc. By using these exercises to start, we begin to move around & OUT that stagnant energy, so we have the positive energy to engage in more active practices, out of our beds.

Gotta start somewhere though, & our hope is STARR-ting exercise help you begin your journey towards greater health & happiness.

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